Monday, January 03, 2005

a sense of the bitter a taste of the sweet

the gig , was something to remember.

as we entered the building and made our way up to the art gallery, i was marvelling to terry at how good the noise suppression was. when we got there we realised why. the amps were the size of mouse balls, there was no PA.

after many delays, we came on. the band before us was particulary crappy so most of the crowd left. we played a tight set but with no feel cos none of us were in the mood. sids bass was barely audible and neither was zarina's singing. the crowd was composed mostly of our friends so that was fun. terry did a good job. sidney is the kind of the optimist that would call a bloody shot gun wound to the stomach a slight stomach ache, but he called it the worst gig of his life.

new years eve was nice, visited jeremy and talked over some really good wine. went with kris to her friend's house. went back early and slept instead of meeting all my friends.

the years dead now , and someone else has come to take her place.

i want time to pass right now but i want time to stand still as well. for a little while at least.
im 21 this year, what happened to all that time.

under sidewalk flower skies, we hold hands but say goodbye

feel really sad. sadder then ive felt in a very long time.
tired. defeated.