
your glassy eyes betray you
I havnt been able to sleep properly for over a week, whenever im on the verge, i start hearing radio static and then a man screaming, and it tears me back into waking life. im exhausted.
I went to canberra on saturday. The place is a dull, boring shitehole surrounded by mountains that give u a horrible sense of being hemmed in. There is a city plan with the location, species and age of every single plant on public property. whenever one plant gets the shaft, another almost identical one from an extensive nursery is inserted in its place, giving you an idea of just how micromanaged the place is. Because of strict bulding codes, the city hasnt really expanded. The dull characterless buildings and random monuments in well manicured gardens, make the whole city seem like a well tended war cemetry. to make up for the cultural vacuum, marijuana and pornography are legal within the state.
Made it back to sydney, and uni in the evening in time to catch the dresden dolls. They were amazing. definitely the best gig ive ever been to. the band before them, the red painters, featured a singer dressed as an octopus, geishas playing electric violins , and two people drenched in black paint getting painted over during the set.
My family left on monday morning, leaving me to turn to a pile of undone work, that lay dormant and menacing. I tried to prepare for a presentation in school, but i was waylaid by a pair of christian evengelicals who refused to leave me alone. One of them was trying to explain to me his concept of the separation of the mind, body and soul. He encouraged me to use my soul to give god a collect call. He said ," once you do so, and get to that level, Oh ! Oh BOy ! you touch things you never imagined you would be able to." At this point i tried my best to stop picturing the man molesting all sorts of exotic south american wildlife.
Bestiality ravaged street preachers are the last of my concerns. the suns coming up, and i still cant get to sleep.
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