Saturday, August 05, 2006

the Ruby Rabbit

your glassy eyes betray you

its a sunday again. Yesterday i followed the duchesses to their rehearsal and helped them set up for a gig at the ruby rabbit at oxford street, a tiny but charming venue. The cracked glass windows behind the band provided a changing street scene backdrop to their set, and made the whole place seem like an attic. Watching them practice and play, i realised how much i miss playing in a band or just making music for that matter. They played a great set. Afterwards, we packed up and moved the stuff back to tony's house and i got back pretty late. Theres an industrial area near Tony's house with grey bricks and factory chimneys that looks very much like something on a socialist postcard or a pinkfloyd album cover. Found it very beautiful. Sydney can be very beautiful even in her drab and bleak places.
Woke up this morning feeling really crushed for some reason i couldnt quite get a hold of. Just lay in bed an hour , before i forcibly shook it off and proceeded to the frozen bathroom. whenever i take a shower my head fills with images of naked swedes dashing out of saunas and diving into frozen lakes. Gonna go the IGA to get some groceries for the week, i hope they have cambells soup on half price again, i dont feel like cooking. Before the sun goes down id like to go the beach.


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