Tuesday, August 15, 2006

there is a popish plot afloat

your glassy eyes betray you

I did do to the beach in the end. Several of em. walked from my house to Coogee and from there took the coastal pathway to Bondi. Stopped many times along the way to have a smoke on the cliffs and stare out at the pacific ocean. theres something about staring at the breakers from a great height and tasting saltspray in your mouth at the edge of a continent with nothing before you but thousands of miles ocean til south america. something indescribably beautiful and poignant.

from bondi, i went to kris' house to watch movies and stay over. In the mornin i heard the dog crunching on something hard, and realised that my stitched on thumb nail had fallen off. In equal parts amusement and disgust i tried to get it back. then the dog started making funny noises and i became mortally afraid of it choking to death right there and then in the hall while everyone was having breakfast. " hey everybody sorry, i killed your dog with my disgusting detacheable thumbnail, do u mind passing the butter? "

the dog spluttered the nail onto the floor next to kris' mums feet. I inched closer feigning conversation to keep her distracted, but before i could put a foot on it, the dog got there first, and starting making grating noises again. finally managed to get the damn thing out of its mouth while feigning having a hearty breakfast time game with it, and disposed of the nail , which surprisingly didnt have so much as a scratch on it.

Went driving around the bays with kath after that , and came back after going to newtown in the evening.

Ive been having troubling history related dreams lately waking up to the sounds of phrases like , " NO POPERY!" or " Roundhead, fling me up[a leg of mutton and i shall fling thee down a lord." The more i study history the more i strengthen a disparaging view of mankind. It seems nothing commendable or admirable was driven by anything more than ruthless self interest, packaged in shiny altruism and her accompanying ideals. the rights of man, the enlightenment, the english civil war, the french revolution.
oh well.


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